JAVA - The Education Office (Disdik) Region III Central Java (Central Java) emphasized that students who registered through the new student admissions (PPDB) did not cheat.

The head of the PPDB Committee for the Regional III Education Office of Central Java, Sukarno, warned that new students who use fake certificates or certificates when caught will be dealt with firmly and annulled.

"For that, we remind you never to use a fake charter or certificate in the PPDB registration," he said in Pati, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 30.

He said, if there is an alleged use of a fake charter or certificate in the PPDB registration, it can be reported to the committee in the education unit or to his party. While the report is a complaint must include evidence.

"When the suspicion of using a fake charter or certificate can be proven, the student can be expelled from school, even though it has been declared accepted," he said.

The regulation, he continued, was based on technical instructions (juknis) for the implementation of PPDB for SMA Negeri and SMK Negeri for Central Java Province 2022/2023.

In the technical guidelines it is stated that if students provide false or incorrect data, they will be subject to expenditure sanctions by the education unit. Although the person concerned is accepted in the selection process.

He stated that championship achievements have a weight value in PPDB. Achievements as evidenced by a charter can be tiered or non-tiered.

Previously, information circulated that there were a number of registrants who included certificates of appreciation that were allegedly fake at a well-known high school in Pati Regency.

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