JAKARTA - Leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab calls on citizens, especially Muslims in Indonesia, to take part in demonstrations in defense of Prophet Muhammad SAW 211 and 411.

This appeal was made by Rizieq from Makkah, Saudi Arabia and broadcast on the YouTube Front TV account which was uploaded on Saturday, October 31.

"To all Muslims in the country, from the holy city, I call on them to participate in every action to defend the Prophet wherever you are, especially the 211 and 411 actions," said Rizieq in the video seen by VOI, Sunday, November 1.

Action 211 will be held on Monday, November 2 in front of the French Embassy, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta. The action was held around 12.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, the 411 rally will be held on Wednesday, November 4 in front of the Gedung Sate courtyard followed by a long march to Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, West Java.

"Participate actively in the action. Show our defense to the Prophet Muhammad, do not give space to anyone who belittles the Prophet Muhammad," he said.

The action plans 211 and 411 to be held by FPI, PA 212 and GNPF Ulama are a reaction from French President Emmanuel Macron who called Islam a religion in crisis and promised to fight Islamic separatism.

Macron's statement was made due to the stabbing incident of an early school teacher. The incident was motivated by the teacher's activity showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his students in class when they discussed freedom of opinion.

As a result of Macron's statement, various criticisms then emerged, including from Arab countries. In fact, a number of trade associations in these countries boycotted products from France.

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