JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta City Government ensures that the sacrificial animals at the Tanah Abang Goat Market are free from Mouth and Nail Diseases (FMD).

"Yes, until yesterday's inspection, because now the outbreak is via air, we are traveling to the sub-districts, there are eight sub-districts, if there is information, please convey it directly to the head of the head of the Livestock Section of the Jakarta Food Security, Maritime Affairs and Agriculture (KPKP) Sub-dept. Center for Herawati, citing Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

Meanwhile, a trader for sacrificial animals at the Tanah Abang Goat Market, Aji admitted that he was not worried about the nail and mouth disease outbreak that hit a number of livestock in Indonesia.

"Everything, if it's called a cow and goat, every year it arrives to Jakarta there must be letters, it's just not very detailed, one has a travel document, the second has a health certificate," said Aji.

In addition to travel and health certificates, Aji said that the KPKP Sub-department also directly examined the cattle and goats that were traded. So far, four checks have been carried out and there have been no reports of cows and goats infected with FMD at the Tanah Abang Goat Market.

"For Eid Hajj (Iduladha) there are many devotees, if for example it is not Eid al-Hajj, for example, it is only for aqiqah," said another trader, Aan.

Aan provided around 200 goats like the previous year for Eid al-Adha, although currently only 30 have been sold, but he is sure that approaching Hari Raya there will be many buyers looking for goats for sacrifice as is the custom.

The government through the Ministry of Agriculture has prepared three million doses of vaccine which will continue to be distributed to every area in need to prevent the spread of PMK, especially ahead of Eid al-Adha.

To prepare for Eid al-Adha, the sellers of sacrificial animals in Jakarta supply cows and goats from the Java region that already have a health certificate and undergo direct examination by the relevant agencies.

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