JAKARTA - The Institute for the Recovery of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) encourages the reduction of the use of single-use plastic bags in the distribution of sacrificial meat on Eid al-Adha.

The chairman of the MUI Environmental and Natural Resources Recovery Institute, Hayu S. Prabowo, reminded that the use of single-use plastic bags when distributing sacrificial meat will increase the accumulation of environmental pollutants that can disrupt the sustainability of ecosystems and human health.

"There are many things that we can do together, how can we reduce this plastic together. Because plastic has disrupted our ecosystem, our health, and all creatures," said Hayu, Wednesday 29 June.

In addition to recommending reducing the use of single-use plastics, Hayu stated the importance of waste management in slaughtering sacrificial animals so as not to cause environmental pollution.

The Director of Waste Reduction of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Sinta Saptarina also warned that the use of single-use plastic bags in distributing sacrificial animal meat will cause a lot of plastic waste.

He gave an illustration, the distribution of meat from 1,814,403 sacrificial animals which, according to estimates, will be slaughtered this year's Eid al-Adha, has the potential to produce 124,265,950 pieces of plastic bag waste.

In order to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags in distributing sacrificial meat, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has issued Circular Letter of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. SE.4/MENLHK/PSLB3/PLB.2/6/2022 regarding the Implementation of Eid Al-Adha without Plastic Waste.

"There are five things that we appeal to, first we appeal to and invite the committee for the distribution of sacrificial meat not to use plastic bags and urge the public to bring their own reusable containers," said Sinta as quoted by Antara.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry encourages the sacrificial committee to use leaves, woven bamboo, or reusable containers to distribute the meat of the sacrificial animal.

In addition, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry recommended the provision of segregated trash bins and the establishment of a special task force to handle waste at places of prayer and slaughter of sacrificial animals on Eid.​​​​​

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