JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) appealed to the public not to use single-use plastic bags in the distribution of sacrificial meat carried out in the context of Eid al-Adha 1443 Hijri. 1,814,403 tails. Based on this data, if there are still many who use single-use plastic bags for the distribution of sacrificial meat, it has the potential to generate 124,265,950 pieces of plastic bag waste. and healthy, so it is deemed necessary for us to encourage the distribution of sacrificial meat without plastic bags," said Sinta in a virtual public dialogue entitled "Kurban Fun Without Plastic Waste" which was followed from Jakarta, Wednesday 29 June. /MENLHK/PSLB3/PLB.2/6/2022 regarding the Implementation of Eid al-Adha without plastic waste, considering the potential for increasing the generation of plastic waste in the distribution of sacrificial meat. this to the community in their environment," said Sinta. KLHK appealed to the distribution committee sacrificial meat not to use plastic bags and the public to bring their own reusable containers. It is also hoped that there will be facilities for segregated waste management at the Eid al-Adha prayer location and the distribution of sacrificial meat.

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