JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) left for Kyiv, Ukraine by train from Poland. The attached escort was carried out by Paspampres and the local security authorities.

President Jokowi departs for Kyiv via Poland on Wednesday 29 June at 04.15 WIB. Interestingly, First Lady Iriana Jokowi joined the group.

According to military and intelligence observer Ridlwan Habib, Iriana was the first first lady from Indonesia to join the war.

He judged that Ibu Iriana's courage even surpassed that of Tien Soeharto, who was not included during Suharto's visit to Bosnia in 1995.

"The mission is true, brave, successful," said the Director of the Indonesian Intelligence Strategy Institute in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 29.

Ridlwan assessed that there were three meanings or reasons for First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo to participate in a historic visit to Ukraine. "First, this is a symbol of peaceful diplomacy or soft diplomacy from Mr. Jokowi. To show that Indonesia has good intentions with the symbol of inviting his wife or first lady," he added. According to her, the motherly side or the feminine side of the First Lady is synonymous with the meaning of peace, gentleness, and non-violence. "The meaning is deep because it emphasizes the soft diplomatic side of a mother," he said.

Moreover, he continued, Indonesia also brought humanitarian aid which was brought along in a series of trains. The second meaning, President Jokowi showed the international world that real support must be manifested in the form of courage to act. enter a war-torn country. The risk is very high, but still steady," said the UI military and intelligence observer. In Javanese terminology, according to him, the wife is called "garwa", sigaraning life, half life. "So it must be invited as a source of strength," he said.

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