MAKASSAR - The High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) of South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi) stated that it had saved state assets in the form of land ownership through litigation and non-litigation channels worth more than Rp. 12.1 trillion in several regions in South Sulawesi. team in winning the case of state land disputes that are controlled by individuals," said Head of Information and Legal Section of the South Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office, Soetarmi, in Makassar, Tuesday 28 June. The Attorney General's Office noted that the success of saving state assets in the form of state land and SOEs worth IDR 12.1 trillion was carried out by litigation and non-litigation through the provision of a Special Power of Attorney or SKK. at the Takalar District Court. This case was won by the State Attorney (JPN) with an asset value of more than Rp. 4,040 trillion. Furthermore, representing the Governor of South Sulawesi as Opponent II through mediation of a civil case against Andi Hasnawati Manggabarani Karaeng Tinggimae (Bau Mangga) in the Makassar District Court with the object of the claim for the land of Masjid Al Mosque. Markaz Al Islami, Jalan Masjid Raya. JPN won this case with an asset value of IDR 6 trillion.

Representing PT PLN (Persero) UPP Punagaya as the applicant against A Fajar Daud Nompo, the object of a land lawsuit covering an area of 8,835 square meters in Punagaya, Jeneponto Regency. JPN won this case with an asset value of more than IDR 586.2 billion. Likewise, Kawali's claim for compensation to PT PLN for the activities of the Steam Power Plant (PLTU) in Punagayya, Jeneponto related to allegations of environmental pollution was also won. (Persero) The Sulawesi Generation and Distribution Main Unit (Gardu Induk) on Jalan Gunung Bawakaraeng, against Ince Baharuddin bin Abd Rajab, won with an estimated asset value of IDR 405.5 billion more. However, this case was appealed. For the land and building case for the Food Security, Crops and Horticulture Office of South Sulawesi Province at the Batukaropa Seed Garden Installation (IKB), in Bonto Manai Village, Bulukumba Regency, covering an area of 623,950 square meters, JPN won again with an asset value of Rp 935, 9 billion more. Then, the lawsuit for the land and building of the PT Pertamina Office on Jalan Garuda Makassar against Nurdin M Ali bin Muh alias Nurdin M Ali with an asset value of IDR 220.3 billion was also won. However, recently this case has been appealed. For the case of Travel Abu Tours against Muhammadi Amin, JPN also won. The handling of non-litigation cases, representing PT Perusahaan Trading Indonesia (PPI) owned by a BUMN in the form of a land area of 413 square meters on Jalan Andi Mappanyukki Makassar is still controlled by a third party is still being negotiated. PLN (Persero) UIPP Sulawesi at the Regional Office of the National Land Agency (BPN) of South Sulawesi and the Makassar City BPN in this case are also still in process.

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