Bandar Lampung Rutan Overload, 50 Inmates Transferred To Narcotics Prison
Transfer of 50 inmates to Narcotics Prison. Bandar Lampung, Tuesday (28/6/2022). ANTARA/HO-Damiri

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Class I State Detention Center (Rutan) Bandar Lampung transferred 50 prisoners or inmates for narcotics cases to the Class IIA Narcotics Correctional Institution, Bandar Lampung, Tuesday 28 June.

"Today we have transferred 50 inmates to the Narcotics Prison whose cases have been signed (with permanent legal force)," said Head of the Home Security Unit Yusuf Prio Widodo in Bandar Lampung, Tuesday, June 28.

He continued, the relocation of the inmates was carried out in order to reduce the capacity that had been overloaded at the Bandar Lampung detention center. In addition, it is also to minimize disturbances to security and order in the detention center.

The transfer of the 50 inmates was carried out with health procedures and protocols considering the COVID-19 pandemic has not completely disappeared.

"We test the antigen first before we hand it over. Then we provide guidance and input so that they don't do things that disturb the security and order while in prison," he said.

Yusuf added that the transfer of the 50 inmates was carried out under strict supervision by several security and registration officers.

He hoped that the inmates who had been transferred did not do anything that could disturb the security and order while in the Narcotics Prison. In addition, he also asked the inmates to continue to participate in various activities provided by the local prison.

"We will also continue to do this, especially to reduce over (excess) residents in the detention center," he said.

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