SAMARINDA - Head of Domestic Politics of Kesbangpol East Kalimantan Firdaus Kurniawan said residents in the National Capital Region (IKN) Nusantara still have voting rights in legislative elections according to their area of origin. return to their original areas. For example, the residents of Sepaku remain as members of the North Penajam Paser (PPU) community, then Samboja enters Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar)," he said in Samarinda, Tuesday, June 28. General Election of the Head of the Archipelago Authority, which is excluded from other regional government units. The State Capital only holds national elections without regional legislative elections because there is no DPRD in IKN. in PPU it is the same as in Kukar. There is no legislature there, so there will be no elections for those in the IKN area later, "he explained. According to him, people should still have the right to vote as a citizen.

"It's also impossible if (citizen's political rights) are castrated because they happen to be in the IKN area," he said. "There is no right to vote in the district/city DPRD. However, they should still return to their area according to their domicile, adjusted to their ID card as citizens who have the right to vote to elect the local DPRD," he said. This does not significantly affect the political escalation in East Kalimantan because of the small population. "However, there may also be people who feel that their voting rights are redundant. If they are not used, it will be a shame," said Firdaus Kurniawan.

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