Akhyar Nasution Complained Again, Called Bawaslu Medan Tomorrow
Akhyar Nasution's activities in Medan Deli which led to a report to Bawaslu (DOK. Special)

MEDAN - Medan mayor candidate Akhyar Nasution was again reported to the Medan Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu). Akhyar will be summoned by Bawaslu for clarification because he is suspected of having a quarrel with the Head of the Medan Deli District Supervisory Committee, Faisal Haris.

The Medan Bawaslu commissioner, Raden Deni Admiral, said that the summoning of the number one mayoral candidate proposed by the Democrats and PKS was based on Faisal Haris' report. It is suspected that a quarrel occurred when the Medan Deli Panwascam was on duty on Tuesday, October 27.

"Tomorrow the reported (Akhyar Nasution) will be summoned. His summons have been sent, we are waiting for his attendance," Deni told reporters, Saturday, October 31.

In this report, Bawaslu has summoned Faisal Haris as the reporter. "It has entered the clarification stage. The reporter (Faisal) has already been summoned for clarification," he said.

Apart from summoning Akhyar Nasution, Bawaslu Medan will also summon the leadership of the Legiman Family Fighters Association as the organizer of the event.

"Akhyar and the committee of the event were summoned. Both were summoned, if from the findings of people (Panwascam) Medan Deli," he said.

Akhyar Nasution was reported to have had a dispute and was suspected of almost beating the head of the Medan Deli Panwascam, Faisal Haris. This incident occurred when Akhyar held an activity at Jalan Alumunium I, Tanjung Mulia Village, Medan Deli. There the Medan Deli Panwascam officer found a violation of the health protocol.

To reporters, the Chairman of the Medan Deli Panwascam, Faisal Haris explained the chronology of the incident. Initially, the supervisor of the Tanjung Mulia Village supervised Akhyar's campaign activities with the Legiman Family Fighters Association.

"At that time, our Kelurahan Panwas supervised and saw that there were more than 50 people present, did not regulate the distance according to the rules and regulations. That's why we gave verbal warnings three times. However, it was ignored," said Faisal, Wednesday, October 28th.

However, it was suspected that a quarrel had occurred until finally Faisal Haris decided to report Akhyar Nasution to Bawaslu Medan.

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