CENTRAL LOMBOK - The Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) supports the government's plan to provide compensation for cattle that died from mouth and nail disease (PMK). , what must be studied are the recipients of assistance," said Central Lombok DPRD Member M. Sidiq Maulana in Praya, Tuesday, June 28. The Ministry of Animal Husbandry (Kementan) plan can ease the burden on the community or farmers whose cattle must be destroyed because they are infected with PMK. However, he said, it was not easy to prove that cattle died because of PMK. He gave an example in Central Lombok in the northern region, many cows died suddenly, which according to the relevant agency's statement was due to "bloat" or bloating. said the service," he was quoted as saying by Antara. Therefore, data on beneficiaries must be reviewed first so as not to cause social unrest in the community.

"Recipient data must be completely valid, so that there will be no social unrest," he said. He also hoped that the central government would not have to pay Rp 10 million for the dead cows, while the average number of cows that died were cows. exotic animals whose price is above Rp. 20 million. Therefore, he does not agree on the amount of compensation that will be given because farmers still lose a lot. In addition, the government must provide solutions for farmers who manage people's business credit funds (KUR) for livestock, because they also felt the impact of the FMD outbreak. "For ordinary cattle, maybe Rp. 10 million is enough, but what about large cattle whose price is above Rp. 20 million. If possible, the value of the assistance varies according to the price of dead cows," he said. Central Lombok Agriculture and Livestock Service to collect data, so that in the future there will be no turmoil in the community regarding compensation for cattle affected by FMD. So far, the Central Lombok DPRD has not received an official letter regarding compensation for the cattle. We hope that this assistance can be realized to help farmers who have suffered losses from the impact of PMK," he said.

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