MUSI BANYUASIN - Police officers from the Musi Banyuasin (Muba) Resort, South Sumatra, have arrested a gang of assassins suspected of being paid for a business competition vendetta against a resident in this area. There were as many as nine suspected assassins who were arrested by Satreskrim personnel. The nine suspects are Efran, Erik Pratama, Juliansyah, Jhoni Kusmoyo, Apriadi, Alpino, Bobby Laniastra, Tarmizi, and Firmansyah. "Each suspect was arrested by our personnel at a different time and place. from the results of the development of the three perpetrators (Efran, Erik Pratama, Juliansyah) who were first arrested on Saturday, June 11. Currently, all of them have been arrested at the Resort Police Headquarters," he said, quoted by Antara. to kill Rally Sepriadi (33) a resident of Soak Baru sub-district, Sekayu sub-district, Muba, on Saturday, March 26. The investigators of the perpetrators admitted that they were promised a salary of Rp. 5 million by someone who is still being chased by the Satreskrim Polres Muba.

"That person is being chased, he allegedly ordered the suspects to kill the victim because of a business problem," he said. The business was later discovered to be related to drug trafficking which is in the process of developing the police apparatus. "From the suspect's confession, the victim is related "Based on the police report, the perpetrators deliberately persuaded the Rally victims to go to the location of a party in Pandang Dulang Village, Lawang Wetan District, Muba. the perpetrators invited the victim to use methamphetamine upon arrival at the party until they left together in a motorized vehicle. Upon arrival at the location, eight suspects stabbed the victim using sharp weapons while the suspect Firmansyah was in charge of monitoring. The victim of Rally was found dead by a resident of Pandan Dulang Village on Monday 28 March at around 20.45 WIB at the location where the incident occurred ra, which after a police examination of the victim's body found 41 stab wounds. For this act nine perpetrators were charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning the Crime of Premeditated Murder, Subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder with a threat of life imprisonment.

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