JAKARTA - The Thousand Islands Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-department plans to send the winners of the Abang-None Jakarta Seribu Islands 2022 in the final round of July 23 to the United States (US) for tourism promotion.

"The winners in the Abang-None Jakarta Thousand Islands event will be sent to New York, United States to promote tourism in Jakarta and the Thousand Islands in particular," said Head of the Thousand Islands Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-department, Puji Hastuti, in his official statement in Jakarta, Monday 27 June. quoted from Antara.

The final round of the Abang-None Jakarta Seribu Islands selection will take place on Pramuka Island after the contestants undergo quarantine for three weeks to provide material in the form of knowledge and various information delivered from quality sources.

"After the quarantine period ends, the election will be held on July 23 on Pramuka Island," said Puji.

This year, the number of registrants for the Abang-None Jakarta Seribu Islands election reached 135 people until the closing of registration on June 23 last.

The 135 participants then took part in the initial selection at Building A of the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office, Kuningan, South Jakarta on Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26.

The selection process itself was not followed by the Thousand Islands Regent Junaedi, but was represented by the Head of the Economic and Development Division of the Thousand Islands Regency Endro Mukti Wibowo.

Furthermore, the Head of the Thousand Islands Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-Department, Puji Hastuti, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, the judges and other invited guests.

Endro Mukti while reading the speech of the Thousand Islands Regent Junaedi said that the Abang-None Jakarta election was not a contest to choose who would be a good fence and a beautiful fence when the event was held at the provincial and Thousand Islands district level.

The selection of Abang-None Jakarta is an effort by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to promote tourism, culture and government programs.

Those who are chosen to be Abang-None must have above average abilities.

Apart from appearance, he also has a strong personality, intention and involvement to involve himself in building Jakarta and the Thousand Islands in particular.

Later, from 135 participants, they will be screened with various strict selections, until the remaining 30 participants are entitled to the status as finalists.

Of the thirty names of finalists, nine of them were original participants in the Thousand Islands.

They are Oktavianti from Payung Island, Fitri Amaliyah from Kelapa Island, Nur Atina Gulam from Pramuka Island, Dewa Angling from Tidung Island, Tania Hantara Putri from Pramuka Island, Lidion and Afidah Falaisfah from Tidung Island, Amalia Rizkina Fithri from Pramuka Island and Rury from Pramuka Island. Coconut Island.

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