JAYAPURA - Yohanes Kapiyau Air Base (YKU) Timika, Papua, together with the airline company Susi Air, handed over assistance to the Duma community who helped evacuate passengers and pilots of the Susi Air plane that crashed in the area.

"The delivery of aid to the community was carried out on Sunday, June 26, when a team from YKU Airbase accompanied the NTSC and Susi Air to retrieve the black boxes," said YKU Airbase Commander Lt. Col. Pnb Slamet Suhartono, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 27.

The Commander of the YKU Airbase explained that the assistance was given as an expression of gratitude for the help of the people in the area because they had helped evacuate victims from the wreckage of the plane and brought them to a safe location and then to the evacuation site.

The distance is quite far, which is about an hour's drive with the condition that the victim was injured, he said.

The Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC-6/PK-BVM aircraft previously experienced an incident Thursday (23/6) on a flight from Timika-Duma with six passengers.

"All passengers and pilots are safe and the black boxes are in the hands of the KNKT," said Slamet, who participated with the KNKT team and Susi Air to the crime scene (TKP) using the Indonesian Air Force Caracal Helicopter.

The Susi Air plane experienced an incident at coordinates 4°02'45.3" S 136°42' 22.6" E on a pilot flight from Mozes Kilangin Airport Timika to Duma Airport, Dumadama District, Paniai Regency.

The Indonesian Air Force EC-725/HT-7202 Caracal helicopter piloted by Major Pnb Adam Hardiman when he returned to Timika brought two people, one of whom was a passenger on the fateful plane, namely Paleo Dimbau (35) who suffered lacerations to his left and right hands and Seruwanus. Deabelu (18) who suffered bruises on his right arm.

The names of the people from Dumadama who came to Timika, namely Jondi Dema, Anatasia Hanau, Aiju Dimbau, Atasonggonau, and Nope Dimbau, upon arrival in Timika were immediately taken to Timika Regional Hospital accompanied by the Dumadama District Head Julius.

"Meanwhile, three other residents who took part in the second flight, namely Abis, Amince Dimbau and Jaliansyeh after arriving in Timika, went straight to their family's house," said Lt. Col. Pnb Slamet Suhartono.

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