JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo facilitated 12 student organizations belonging to the Cipayung Plus Group by providing the National House. The goal, so that the student group has a place to discuss.

The National House is located on Jalan Hang Lekir V, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

"This national house is a house that we hope will be a place for thinking, a place for discussion, a place for solving problems related to current issues," Sigit told reporters, Monday, June 27.

With this shelter for the Cipayung Plus Group, it is hoped that it will prevent political polarization during the 2024 general election. Thus, the progress of the Indonesian nation is maintained.

In addition, this National House can also print a better generation of the nation. This is because dozens of student organizations have cadres or members throughout Indonesia.

"And also the things that are faced in the future, mainly related to the problem of how we maintain the problem of unity and integrity," he said.

"Preparing superior human resources to face our preparations for Indonesia, preparing entrepreneurial skills, preparing leadership abilities and preparing other things that must be done," continued Sigit.

The National Police Chief asked all his members to support the idea of the Cipayung Plus Group members in the area. That way, the younger generation can be facilitated in self-development.

"I ask the entire police force to support related to these ideas and continue to develop and encourage our younger brothers and sisters to prepare us to become a community, young people who are ready to fill the leadership in the future to become candidates for national leaders. in 2045," said Sigit.

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