JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto spoke about the polemic of the general chairman, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) not to spoil millennials. According to him, Megawati's statement was actually intended to encourage young people to think about the future of the nation.

"Ibu Mega advised that youths who determine the future of the nation must be seen in the present. How can Indonesian youths galvanize themselves and all of them are motivated by the spirit to bring progress to Greater Indonesia," said Hasto as quoted in his written statement, Friday, October 30.

"Thus, the essence of the Youth Pledge commemoration is how Indonesian youths today, in all their minds and feelings, have thought about the best deeds for the future of their nation. So seeing it is the present perspective. If today we have great young people - great, then we will be more optimistic about the future, "he added.

This said Hasto also applies to parties. Young cadres, he continued, must become learners who emphasize statesmanship and are full of struggle for the advancement of the civilization of their nation and place them above personal and group interests.

Of these young cadres with this attitude, PDIP then has a leader figure with a qualified track record such as Soekarno, Megawati Soekarnoputri, President Joko Widodo, Head of the PDIP Situation Room Control Prananda Prabowo, Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Puan Maharani, and a number of regional heads such as Ganjar Pranowo. to Azwar Anas.

"All show the same tradition: galvanizing oneself and the ability to take up the task of calling history," said Hasto.

"PDI Perjuangan teaches every young cadre of the nation to master science and technology, be proud of the nation's cultural identity, and have a vision of the future direction of the nation, and make it a fighting spirit (geist), fighting determination (will), and actions for the benefit of the nation. general, nation and state (daad) as important elements that must be possessed by young people. Because no leader is born without the training of life and life, "he added.

Previously, in an online inauguration ceremony for the DPD-DPC PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri touched on the problem of demonstrations that have often occurred recently. He even questioned the role of the millennial generation or young people for the nation and state.

"Our young people, oh my, I said to the President, don't be spoiled, it is said that our generation is the millennial generation," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"I want to ask, what is the contribution of the millennial generation today. What is your contribution to this nation and country? Really, just a demonstration," he added.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia also mentioned the demonstration which ended in chaos on 8 October. It is known that during the action, a number of public facilities were damaged by groups of rioters who joined the student group's demonstrators.

According to him, this action is very unfortunate because the state budget spent to build a Transjakarta bus stop is not small.

"Masya Allah, take the trouble to burn the Transjakarta bus stop, it's your money! You don't want to be arrested, what do I do. I think it's really funny that the Republic of Indonesia is now," he said.

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