PADANG - It is suspected that the provocateurs triggered the five-time street vendors (PKL) of Padang Beach to commit violence, which was secured by the Satpol PP. The incident occurred when the control was carried out by the Satpol PP of Padang City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

Head of Padang City Police, Mursalim, said officers were pelted with wood, stones, chairs, and coconuts belonging to traders.

Mursalim said, unscrupulous traders in the area even threatened personnel with sharp weapons when officers carried out control in the tourist area.

"There are also unscrupulous traders who strangle officers from behind, to avoid unwanted things, officers try to secure unscrupulous traders who are suspected of being the provocateurs of the action," said Diadi Padang, West Sumatra, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 24.

Satpol PP Padang, he said, had taken persuasive and humane actions, but there were unscrupulous traders who chased and threatened officers with a machete to the police car.

"To avoid the attack, officers took sharp weapons from the hands of the merchant," he said.

Regarding a party who reported it to the West Padang Police, Kasat Pol PP said, "Please because Satpol PP did not commit violence, in fact our troops were subjected to violence and attacks."

He explained that the order was carried out in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2005 concerning Public Order and Public Peace.

People are not allowed to occupy sidewalks and road bodies as a place to sell. Previously, the street vendors in the Cimpago area had been relocated and the Lapau Panjang Cimpago (LPC) was built in the area.

"This is of course no longer justified by street vendors selling along the shores of Padang Beach.

His party has been trying for 2 months to provide comfort to city residents and visitors at Padang Beach so that this area is neat and clean.

"But they don't accept it and still insist on selling. Even though they are reminded every day not to sell on the beach," he concluded.

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