BANDUNG - Head of the West Java Provincial Education Office (Kadisdik Jabar) Dedi Supandi emphasized that no person should dare to 'play' illegal levies (extortion) in the 2022 New Student Admission (PPDB) process.

"So I need to emphasize that no person dares to play in the 2022 PPDB in West Java," said Dedi Supandi in Bandung, West Java, as reported by Antara, Friday, June 24.

This warning was conveyed by Dedi following the OTT against unscrupulous school principals and representatives at SMKN 5 Bandung regarding allegations of illegal PPDB levies by the West Java Pungli Saber Task Force Team.

Dedi Supandi said that at the 2022 PPDB the West Java Provincial Education Office involved the Pungli Saber Task Force Team. To realize the 2022 PPDB in West Java that is as fair as possible, Dedi invites all parties, including the community, not to hesitate to make complaints when they find illegal acts.

"For schools, educational institutions or the community, don't hesitate to report immediately if you find extortion, especially in the 2022 PPDB," he said.

Dedi said that the West Java Provincial Education Office had been collaborating with the Saber Pungli Task Force team for a long time to address the conflict in PPDB.

One of them is by providing guidance to all principals of schools, high schools, vocational schools and special schools both public and private in the working area of the Bekasi Regional III (Regency/City) Education Office Branch, last Tuesday.

"So the OTT incident at SMKN 5 Bandung is a follow-up to the cooperation we have done with the Saber Pungli Task Force team to prevent all forms of illegal levies," he said.

Regarding the OTT incident at SMKN 5 Bandung City itself, Dedi Supandi said that the sanctions were still waiting for the results of the case title.

"For those who are severe, they will be dismissed from civil servants. If it is light, it is in the form of a reprimand. Now the sanctions are moderate, they can be demoted or removed from their position at school," he said.

Dedi confirmed that the OTT on individuals suspected of committing extortion during the 2022 PPDB in West Java was also a follow-up to the direction of the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil.

"So the first directive is no extortion in THR or holiday allowances and second, no extortion in PPDB," he said.

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