JAKARTA - The Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) noted that there were three ministries with the largest local spending transactions until June 20, 2022.

Head of LKPP Abdullah Azwar said that as of June 20, 84,509 products had been published in the sectoral electronic catalog with a total transaction of Rp. 17.2 trillion. Meanwhile, nationally, 379,569 products appear in electronic catalogs.

"We (LKPP) express our gratitude in particular to the Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Transportation which has committed to managing its sectoral catalog, which has become the top three in sectoral catalog transactions," said Anas in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, June 24, quoted from Antara.

In addition to sectoral electronic catalogs, Anas also appealed to local electronic catalog managers who had problems making storefronts, so that they could follow the example of districts or regional governments that have succeeded in making storefronts and increasing transaction value.

"If there are difficulties from friends of the regents and governors to make a storefront, just copy and paste (making a storefront). You can take the example of the cities of Medan and Banyuwangi which have shown more than 1,000 products," added the former Banyuwangi regent.

Based on data held by LKPP, the city of Medan has published 2,039 products while the city of Banyuwangi has displayed 2,109 products in the local electronic catalog.

The increasing number of local business actors who appear in electronic catalogs is the result of good cooperation between LKPP and other government agencies in synergy towards a better Indonesia.

With the increasing number of products being broadcast and the increasing transaction value of domestic products, it is hoped that the absorption of the government's budget can be right on target and improve the Indonesian economy in the future.

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