JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto visited the Banyu Bening Rainwater School community in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region.

Through this community, local people use rainwater to support their daily needs and disaster mitigation efforts.

“In the event of a disaster, the most difficult are basic needs including water. This effort is one solution by utilizing rainwater which can actually be directly consumed but reprocessed with simple technology so that wider benefits can be felt," said Suharyanto in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 22.

Suharyanto also said that the use of rainwater can also strengthen prevention efforts in dealing with potential disasters.

“Although it is already the middle of the year when the dry season should have been, it still rains frequently. This can be used to reduce the impact in flood-prone areas and as a backup for drought-prone areas," he said.

Suharyanto emphasized that BNPB supports and asks the Banyu Bening School, which is a genuine movement from the community, not to stop educating and spreading the benefits of good and rainwater in supporting people's lives.

"Don't stop, don't get bored, keep moving forward to spread the good benefits of rainwater for people's lives," he said.

BNPB provided financial assistance in the amount of Rp. 15 million, health protocol assistance in the form of 500 bottles of hand sanitizer and 1,000 pieces of masks, as well as packages of basic necessities to the community in the Banyu Bening community.

The working visit of the Head of BNPB was also attended by BNPB Principal Inspector Tetty Saragih, Deputy for Prevention of BNPB Prasinta Dewi, Deputy for Emergency Management of BNPB Major General TNI Fajar Setyawan, Director of BNPB Preparedness Pangarso Suryotomo, experts and coordinator of operational control of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

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