DUMAI - Intermediate Customs and Excise officers of Dumai, Riau, thwarted the shipment of 100 cartons of Luffman brand cigarettes or 1 million cigarettes from Pekanbaru on Tuesday (14/6) at Jalan Merdeka, Dumai City.

The Acting Head of Dumai Customs and Excise, Bambang Sukocodia, explained that the action in the context of the operation to attack illegal cigarettes in 2022 was due to public information about the delivery of excisable goods or BKC without an excise tape and the state could potentially lose Rp801 million in revenue.

"One million illegal cigarettes were sent by means of a Colt diesel truck with the police number BA 8698 MU, and the officers immediately secured the excisable goods without the excise seal along with the driver and the transport truck," Bambang told reporters, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 22. .

From the inspection, the driver's initials (43) initially admitted that he was from an expedition company and did not know that the cargo contained excise tax on Luffman cigarettes. However, it was finally revealed that S was the courier who delivered the goods according to the order.

These Luffman cigarettes were found by Dumai Customs officers, stored in plain cardboard boxes without any branding or writing and hidden in a pile of 160 cartons of canned food.

"This operation against illegal cigarettes is a real effort by Customs and Excise in optimizing state revenues as a fiscal instrument in controlling excisable goods in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," said Bambang.

Through this operation against illegal cigarettes, it is hoped that it can eradicate the circulation of illegal cigarettes that are detrimental to the state in terms of revenue potential and protect the public from the dangers of illegal cigarettes in accordance with the function of customs as a community.

Meanwhile, the Head of the BC Dumai Enforcement Supervision Section, Budi Indarsyah, added that the chronological information on the prosecution of illegal cigarettes could only be released because they had to develop and carry out the process according to applicable procedures.

"The driver has been inspected and an official report has been made. We are still in development so that press statements related to this action can only be submitted," said Budi.

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