JAKARTA - The aftermath of the 'Bungkus Night Vol.2' Spa & Massage Hamilton at Ruko Grand Wijaya, South Jakarta is in danger of being permanently closed. The head of the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP, Arifin said, the sanctions were given if there were serious violations such as prostitution activities.

"Development with the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency if the violation is in the form of prostitution, it refers to the provisions of Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 18 of 2018. Then the sanctions that can be imposed are permanent closure and revocation of permits. If he has a permit, we will revoke his permit," said Arifin when confirmed, Tuesday, June 21.

However, the closure will occur if the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency has given a letter of recommendation for a permanent closure of the place.

"Later on from the letter, we will take the action in the form of a permanent closure. And even if there is a permit, of course the permit will be submitted to the one who issued the permit, the permit will be frozen," he said.

Arifin reminded the owners of massage parlors, in running their business, they must be according to their designation, not a place for prostitution. If this happens, he added, then his party will take strict action.

"We remind all place managers, cafes, was that a spa, yes, yes, it must comply with the provisions that there should be no activities that commit immoral acts. Clear action, firm action will be imposed with the provisions of regional regulations," he concluded.

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