TANGERANG - The Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satnarkoba) of the Tangerang Police, Banten, arrested two suspected traffickers of 17.65 grams of methamphetamine in Cikupa District, Tangerang Regency.

Head of the Tangerang Police Narcotics Unit Kompol Gede Adi Sasmita said the two men who were arrested had the initials DS (26) and DM (23).

"The perpetrator was arrested in a rented house in the Cikupa area, Tangerang Regency, with 17.65 grams of methamphetamine as evidence," he said in Tangerang, Antara, Monday, June 20.

He explained that from the results of the examination, the suspects had circulated shabu-shabu more than seven times in various regions.

"The profit they get is that they can consume meth for free and are promised to be given Rp. 1.5 million for every 100 grams of shabu that is successfully delivered," he said.

Meanwhile, he continued, the chronology of the arrests of the two suspects began with a public report informing him that there would be a narcotics transaction.

Then, he continued, his party immediately conducted an investigation into the place where the suspects lived.

"It took us a few days to identify the perpetrator. However, after getting a complete profile, the Satnarkoba personnel immediately arrested the perpetrator," he said.

He added that currently the two suspects and evidence were secured at the Tangerang Police Headquarters for further investigation and development.

"For his actions, the perpetrators are subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 sub-Article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum penalty of 5 years in prison," concluded Gede.

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