JAKARTA - The Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri inaugurated the labeling of a corvette belonging to the Indonesian Navy (AL) with the name KRI Bung Karno.

The inauguration was carried out by Megawati during the TNI AL Mental Development Workshop and KRI Bung Karno-369 Shipnaming at Balai Samudera Building, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Monday, June 20 afternoon.

The event was attended by the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono along with 200 Indonesian Navy soldiers consisting of the main officers of the Headquarters, the Commander of the Navy's Kotama, the Heads of the Headquarters Service, the Unit Commanders, the KRI Commander and the Marine Battalion Commander throughout the region. Jakarta.

Present to accompany Megawati, PDI-P DPP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey. The Head of BPIP Yudian Wahyudi was also seen.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, by the grace of God Almighty, I will name the Corvette Ship with KRI Bung Karno at 13.00," said Megawati, who was accompanied by KSAL Yudo Margono when pressing the button.

Megawati then handed over Bung Karno's painting to Yudo. Yudo replied by giving a miniature of the newly named corvette.

When she arrived at the location, Megawati was greeted by Admiral TNI Yudo and received a rank of honor before entering the workshop room.

In his remarks, Yudo said that he wanted to strengthen the archipelago's sea forts, currently there is a ship that wants to be named KRI Bung Karno.

"The name of the proclaimer on this warship is not without reason. Bung Karno is a great figure with a very strong maritime vision. His aspiration is to bring the Indonesian people to become a nation of sailors in the broadest sense," said TNI Admiral Yudo.

Admiral said, Bung Karno had inspired him as a carrier for the concept of naval weaponry that is currently being used.

"That is the integrated fleet weapon system (SSAT), which consists of warships, aircraft, marines and bases. All of these are not owned by other navy. The SSAT has only the Indonesian navy for the services of Bung Karno," explained Yudo.

Before entering the room, Yudo did show the photos on display showing the traces of Bung Karno's closeness to the Indonesian Navy that the next generation needs to know.

"After we read and saw the photo in front, it turns out that all this time the SSAT owned by the Navy from warships, aircraft, marines and bases is thanks to him," continued Admiral TNI Yudo.

According to him, many people should know that the SSAT is thanks to the struggle of Bung Karno.

"So far we don't have a KRI named Bung Karno. With his blessing, with his permission to name Bung Karno," he continued.

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