MEDAN - Two men stealing motorbikes caught on surveillance cameras. The two men only needed seconds to escape the motorbike.

After being traced, the incident occurred in the parking lot of a mini market on Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Medan Kota District, Sunday, June 19.

In the footage, at first it appears a man parked his motorbike in a shop parking lot. The man then entered the convenience store.

Not long after, the two perpetrators arrived on motorbikes. Before acting, the two of them first paid attention to the situation.

After feeling safe, a perpetrator immediately got down and approached his target motorbike. It only took a few seconds, the man then broke the lock and took the motorbike away.

The victim, Dedi Syahputra, told reporters that at that time he wanted to buy medicine for his wife.

"So, at that time I wanted to buy medicine for my wife and I parked it near the trash can in front of the mini market," he said, Monday, June 20.

According to Dedi, when he came out of the mini market he had not seen his motorbike.

"When I got out, I didn't see my motorcycle again (BL 4142 LAR). And I tried to chase the two perpetrators. But I couldn't," he said.

"Even though I was only in the mini market for a few minutes," continued Dedi.

For this incident, Dedi reported the incident to the Medan City Police.

"I have reported it to the police (Medan Kota Police)," he said.

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