The Peak Of The Mudik Flow-Long Vacation Begins Tonight

JAKARTA - The police predict that the peak of traffic flow during the long holiday of the Prophet's birthday will last for two days. The peak of the density begins tonight.

"The peak density prediction is likely to start in the afternoon until tonight and could be until Wednesday morning tomorrow," said Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Tuesday, October 27.

Meanwhile, the peak traffic flow back to Jakarta is predicted to occur on Sunday afternoon to Monday early Sunday. So that the traffic scenario will take effect immediately.

Regardless of the traffic flow, Sambodo urges people to choose to spend their vacation time at home. The current situation is still during the COVID-19 pandemic which is prone to transmission.

"Even if the community's friends are going to travel either to tourist attractions or to family members, be sure to pay attention to health protocols and make sure the traveling family is healthy," he said.

Previously, the police would implement a vehicle capacity limitation scheme in the rest area. The application of this scheme aims to anticipate the emergence of a new COVID-19 cluster.

"We have coordinated with the rest area because there is a provision for a rest area of only 50 percent," continued Sambodo.

Three rest areas are recorded in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya where the scheme will be implemented. In practice, officers will close the rest area if it meets capacity.

"If there is a density, it could also be the rest area in Polda Metro Jaya, namely in the rest area of kilometers 19, 39, and 33. We will carry out opening and closing," he said.

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