JAKARTA – The South Jakarta Metro Police revealed a case of alleged online prostitution based on an e-flyer with the theme 'Bungkus Night' which went viral on social media.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, said that until now his party had named 5 people as suspects.

Ridwan explained, his party first carried out security for several people as organizers. Ridwan said the arrest was a precautionary measure based on netizen reports on social media. The event is scheduled to be held on June 24, 2022.

After inspection, it turned out that the organizers had held the event twice.

"But what we are dealing with is the second planning on Friday (June 24). And he once held the first one on March 30 at the same location. Therefore, we took precautions. So we named the suspect because he had made it twice. events like this," explained AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, Monday, June 20.

The 'Bungkus Night' event is referred to as a paid sexual transaction event held at a massage center or spa at Ruko Grand Wijaya Blok H24, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

"So based on the information we took from them, what the package meant was intercourse, sex, intimate relationships, that's the point," he said.

The five suspects, continued Ridwan, were workers at the massage center. The roles of the 5 suspects ranged from designing, making videos to spreading them to social media.

"Starting from designing, then looking for people to promote, there is also what is meant by uploading to IG (Instagram), then spreading it everywhere, the series from there," he said.

Now the 5 suspects have been detained at the South Jakarta Metro Police. They were charged with Article 27 of the ITE Law and Article 45 regarding decency and pornography.

However, from the arrest as a precautionary measure for the event, the perpetrators were charged with Article 27 of the ITE Law and Article 45 regarding decency and pornography. Until now, the South Jakarta Police are still investigating.

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