JAKARTA - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Central Executive Board for the Indonesian Youth Renewal Forces, Airlangga Hartarto, inaugurated Jerry Sambuaga, who is also the Deputy Minister of Trade, to become the General Chair of AMPI for the 2022-2027 period. At the same time inaugurating the new board of AMPI for the period 2022-2027, today. "Pak Jerry has a public position in the government and has served three ministers. I congratulate you with the hope that they will be more successful and the task can be carried out as well as possible," said Airlangga at the Borobudur Hotel. , Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta, Sunday, June 19. The man who also serves as the Coordinating Minister for the Economy asked AMPI to maximize the vote for millennials in the upcoming 2024 General Election and Presidential Election. Because they are one of the spearheads of the Golkar Party. Furthermore, Airlangga also asked all 400 AMPI administrators to secure 514 regencies/cities in the country. The goal is that Golkar can become the winning party in the 2024 election.

"I request that from AMPI, influencers in 514 districts/cities can be prepared. So if there are less than 400, add another 114 so that one administrator can get one district. This is our responsibility going forward. Because our battle going forward is a battle on social media This greatly affects public policy and also affects opinion," he said. On that occasion, Airlangga Hartarto called on all AMPI management to strike back if anyone nudged the Golkar Party. According to Airlangga, as a youth wing of Golkar, AMPI should not be afraid of being attacked. Whether it's being attacked directly in the field, or being attacked via social media. "Are you ready to fight? Ready to fight, it means that if someone attacks you, we attack back. Ready? Don't if you're attacked, you'll just stay silent. Meanwhile, AMPI's chairman, Jerry Sambuaga, said that he would make two points. First, after being sworn in, today, his party will immediately go down to the regions to do real work. Jerry is aware that AMPI is one of the spearheads of the Golkar party. Thus, AMPI will also desperately assist the party bearing the banyan tree in dealing with political agendas such as the upcoming 2024 General Election and Presidential Election. During the inauguration, both Airlangga Hartarto and Jerry shouted several times. AMPI members who were sworn in today often shouted Airlangga's name to become president when the chants were called. They shouted at the president when Airlangga's name was called. "President, president, president," shouted the inaugurated AMPI members.

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