MEDAN - A policeman in Medan, North Sumatra, was the victim of a shooting by an unknown person. The shooting took place on Jalan Gagak Hitam, Medan.

The information gathered was that the police who was shot was named Aiptu Robin Silaban, who was on duty at the West Medan Police.

At that time, Aiptu Robin Silaban and his colleague, Irwan sat at Doorsmeer KD and RS which is Aiptu Robin's place of business, Jalan Gagak Hitam / Ringroad.

The perpetrator and a number of people entered the victim's Doorsmeer to find a person named Kadeo who was a partner of the victim. The perpetrator took out a double stick by breaking the glass door and door of the victim's Doorsmeer.

After committing the destruction, the victim pulled out a firearm and fired at the leg of the perpetrator, but did not hit him.

Next, the victim entered the Doorsmeer office room and the perpetrator struck using a double stick so that the victim's firearm fell and was seized by the perpetrator.

At that time, the perpetrator shot Aiptu Robin Silaban and hit his right rib.

When the perpetrator wanted to take a second shot at Aiptu Robin, the firearm jammed and could not explode so the perpetrator and his colleagues fled by car. The perpetrator also carried the victim's firearm

Kapolrestabes Medan, Kombes Riko Sunarko confirmed the shooting incident.

"I am now in a hurry, a member (of the police) was shot, I am going to the hospital," said Riko, Tuesday, October 27.

Riko said the policeman was shot in the stomach. The perpetrator, said Riko, got a firearm after successfully seizing it from the police.

"3 (shots) were shot, 2 times were hit in the stomach, 1 (shot) was not hit. The weapon was taken," he said.

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