JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya set up 16 temporary security posts to monitor the public during a long holiday. Dozens of posts will be divided into three.

"There are 16 security posts, 10 on toll roads, 3 on arterial roads, and 3 more at tourist attractions, such as Ancol, Ragunan, and TMII. Those are what we have prepared a pam post," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters. , Tuesday, October 27th.

Meanwhile, security on the toll road will be focused on the route leading to West Java and its surroundings. Because it is predicted that the majority of people will choose to vacation outside the city.

"The focus of the toll road that leads to West Java, Cikampek, then the direction to Banten, to Bogor, we focus on securing members in the field," he continued.

In securing this long holiday, 2,999 personnel were deployed. They will be on guard at dozens of security posts and at several points that have been mapped.

"From 2,999, 769 traffic members because the focus will be on roads," said Yusri.

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