JAKARTA - The construction and widening of the sidewalks on Jalan Juanda, Central Jakarta, is considered inappropriate and is troubling culinary entrepreneurs. Friday afternoon, June 17, those who are members of the culinary entrepreneur community on Jalan Juanda and local residents held a demonstration on Jalan Juanda Raya.

They reject the policy of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which will widen the sidewalks of Jalan Juanda. The entrepreneurs firmly issued a statement rejecting the widening of the sidewalks which would result in road narrowing and result in the bankruptcy of their businesses.

The protesters unfurled banners on Jalan Juanda or at the position opposite the Presidential Palace.

"We firmly reject the widening of sidewalks because it will threaten our business, which has just escaped the Covid-19 pandemic," said the Head of the Juanda Culinary Entrepreneurs Community, Eko Sriyanto Galgendu.

The culinary entrepreneurs who were there were used to entertaining guests from the TNI Army Headquarters, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and others.

According to Eko, the plan to widen the sidewalks carried out by the Bina Marga Service around the first ring of the Presidential Palace will result in road narrowing and a reduction in the number of parking vehicles.

"The narrowing of the road will cause congestion, even though one of Anies Baswedan's promises as the Governor of DKI Jakarta is to overcome congestion," said the entrepreneur from Solo.

He revealed, so far from the Pecenongan T-junction to Juanda Station, approximately 100 vehicles have been parked on the side of the road.

"The parking lot in the area is also used by the Regional Government, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the State Palace, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for activities. In fact, Jalan Juanda Raya was used as an alternative road when there were demonstrations," he said.

Eko Galgendu emphasized that if the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government or the Head of the Highways Agency insisted on continuing to work on widening the sidewalks, almost 40 percent of culinary entrepreneurs would go bankrupt within 2-3 months.

He hoped that the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan and the Head of the Highways, Harry Nugroho, would come to Jalan Juanda to hear directly the complaints of culinary entrepreneurs. They are asked not to just hear reports from subordinates and assume that the report is the truth.

The owner of the Ancur Chicken Restaurant revealed that the culinary business on Jalan Juanda had been established since the reign of Bung Karno until President Jokowi. He said that if the plan to widen the sidewalk continues, it would be the same as DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan breaking his promise.

"We hope that Mr. Anies is consistent with his program, namely the smell of the city, making the citizens happy. Don't let the city build up to make its citizens miserable," he said.

Eko also explained that there had been a meeting with the Mayor of Central Jakarta and his staff. They promised to bring this aspiration to the provincial government because it is the provincial government that owns this project. However, after two weeks after the meeting there was no continuation.

Eko added, entrepreneurs should be happy because the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down. This results in the hope that the economy will bounce back soon.

“However, with the widening of the sidewalks, our hopes have dimmed again. According to the information we got, the widening of the sidewalk will be used for bicycle lanes, even though there are rarely cyclists crossing every day," he said.

The Manager of Happy Day Restaurant, Rofik, expressed the same opinion, who hoped that the DKI Provincial Government would review the plan for widening sidewalks and narrowing roads because they have an impact on the survival of restaurants and hundreds of employees.

"The impact of widening the sidewalk and narrowing the road will harm entrepreneurs because the reduced parking space will reduce the company's turnover which will have an impact on reducing employees," said Rofik.

Meanwhile, Fida, the owner of Soto Madura, Juanda, said she refused to widen sidewalks and narrow roads. Because so far the maximum parking is not enough.

"Because parking in Juanda is not monopolized by us alone, but many government agencies with offices in this area park there. Even then, we are overwhelmed," he said.

He said that on Jalan Juanda about 98 percent use private vehicles. While pedestrians and cyclists can be counted on the fingers.

“Incidentally, many government officials eat at our place because of the proximity of the location. We ask the authorities to use their conscience, not just planning to beautify the road," he said.

Iril Sahbirin from Padang Simple Restaurant emphasized that the expansion of the sidewalk will certainly make the road narrower and will automatically make the road more congested. This, according to him, would make people reluctant to stop to eat at that place.

“The sidewalks are not finished yet, our turnover has decreased. We can't imagine what if there has been widening of the sidewalk and narrowing of the road, what is clear is that there will be no parking jams, of course the operational costs in ring 1 are very large," he said.

He hopes that the Governor of DKI will review this plan because it will have an impact on restaurant entrepreneurs along Jalan Juanda.

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