JAKARTA – Non-halal food containing ingredients from pork is becoming a hot topic in the community. This makes the Head of the Aceh Government Liaison Agency (BPPA) Almuniza Kamal hope that there are no culinary sellers who serve non-halal food by including the name of Aceh.

“Aceh is an area with a majority Muslim population and applies Islamic law. Moreover, all culinary origins from Aceh are halal products that can be eaten by the wider community,” said Almuniza in Banda Aceh, Wednesday, June 15.

He explained that the Aceh Governor asked his party to directly check the existence of the Nasi Uduk stall "Aceh" 77 which provides non-halal menus and is viral on social media.

"We hope that there will be no more sellers who serve non-halal menus, but include the name Aceh," he said.

On the other hand, Pluit Urban Village stated that it would summon the seller of Nasi uduk "Aceh" 77 in Muara Karang, North Jakarta for allegedly providing pork jerky or non-halal menus.

"We will call the seller to remove the Aceh name label, because Aceh is known as the Veranda of Mecca," said Pluit Village Head, Sumarno, accompanied by the Head of Sub-Division of Inter-Institutional and Community Relations, Aceh Government Liaison Agency (BPPA) Cut Putri Alyanur.

After holding the meeting, Sumarno immediately ordered the Head of Pluit sub-district administration, Bakar Usman, to accompany the BPPA team to the location of the Nasi Uduk outlet in the Muara Karang area.

However, upon arrival at the location, there was no longer a sticker that said "Nasi Uduk 77 Aceh", it had been replaced with only the label "Nasi Uduk 77" accompanied by the words "Non-Halal" and the village government would continue to oversee the nasi uduk outlet so as not to put up the name Aceh again. .

"We will continue to monitor the shop," said Bakar Usman.

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