JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that as many as 2,016 uninhabitable houses (RTLH) in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) will be rehabilitated through the distribution of aid funds for the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program (BSPS) of Rp40.3 billion. .

"We will continue to strive to reduce uninhabitable houses throughout Indonesia through the BSPS Program," said Director General of Housing at the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto, quoted by Antara from a written statement, Friday, June 17.

He explained that the BSPS program is a sustainable housing program whose aim is to reduce the number of uninhabitable houses.

In its implementation, the BSPS Program is carried out using the Cash Intensive Work (PKT) method to help people affected by COVID-19 to have uninhabitable houses and encourage recipients of assistance to build their houses.

"We provide stimulant funds to the community as well as assistance from Field Facilitators in the construction process. The goal is to encourage people to be more enthusiastic about being self-reliant in the form of materials and labor to get decent and better housing so that in the future the housing becomes healthy, comfortable , and give happiness to its residents," he said.

The Head of the Central Kalimantan II Housing Provision Agency (P2P), H Hujurat accompanied by the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for Self-help Houses and Public and Commercial Houses, the East Kalimantan Province Housing Provision Work Unit, Elvanirwan explained, the criteria for RTLH to receive the BSPS Program include four components of housing whose conditions are: below standard.

The four components include the condition of the building, health (sanitation and clean water), and the size of the house according to the minimum standard of living space for occupants and the criteria for proper housing, namely by taking into account aspects of building safety, occupant safety, and minimum adequacy of building area.

In 2022, he said, East Kalimantan Province received an allocation of the BSPS Program from the Ministry of PUPR as many as 2,016 RTLH units. While the implementation locations will be spread across six regencies/cities and the value of the assistance provided is Rp. 20 million, with details of Rp. 17.5 million for building materials and Rp. 2.5 million for labor costs.

Based on data from Balai P2P Kalimantan II, as of May 30, 2022, 1,443 RTLH units have been included in the Decree of the Director General of Housing. While the rest will follow after the verification process is complete.

The implementation of the BSPS Program in East Kalimantan is spread across six regencies/cities, namely 197 units of Samarinda City, 549 units of East Kutai Regency, 450 units of Paser Regency, 247 units of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, and for the remainder of the total allocations, they are waiting for a decree from the Directorate of Self-help Houses.

"We hope that the recipients of the aid can directly help ensure that the building materials received are in good condition and that all of them are distributed according to the list of needs that have been agreed upon. In addition, the target time for the completion of the construction of houses built to make them habitable must also be appropriate so that their homes can be occupied immediately, " he said.

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