PADANG - The Joint Team has stopped the search for SMK 5 Padang student, West Sumatra, Ikhsan Maulana (16), who had been missing due to being carried away by the current in the Bangek River, Padang City since Saturday (11/6) last week.

Kasiops Basarnas Padang Octavianto said the decision to permanently terminate was based on Law No. 29 of 2014 concerning Search and Rescue which explains that the search period for disaster victims is seven days.

"We have discussed with the TNI, Polri, volunteers and BPBD and the family. At 17.00 WIB, we will permanently close the search, but monitoring will still be carried out," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 17.

He said that this monitoring will continue at any time.

"If any are seen by the public or found, we will evacuate. This has indeed been stopped but monitoring continues to be carried out together," he said.

Previously, joint officers searched for three students of SMK 5 Padang who were swept away in the Bangek River, Padang City on Sunday (12/6)

BPBD Padang City has evacuated the bodies of two students from one of the vocational schools in the local city which were swept away by the flow of the Lubuk Tongga River, Balai Tongga Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City.

The Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD Padang Basril said the team had started the search since Saturday afternoon and continued on Sunday morning at 07.00 WIB until 16.34 WIB and succeeded in evacuating two of the three missing victims in the river.

The body of the first victim found was Sadiah Tulfa (16) who was found one kilometer from the initial location when he was dragged by river water.

"We are evacuating and taking the body to Bhayangkara Hospital," he said.

Meanwhile, the second victim, Sintia Vita Loka, was found two hours after the body of the first victim was found in the middle of the river.

"Both were found wedged in a large rock and in a state of drowning and their bodies still intact," he said. The two victims were already with their families and health workers at Bhayangkara Hospital.

For the third victim, Ikhsan Maulana (16) is still continuing to search and search for the victim's body.

Three students from a state vocational high school in Padang City, West Sumatra, were swept away by the strong current of the Lubuk Tongga River, Balai Tongga Village, Koto Tangah District, Padang City, on Saturday afternoon.

The report from the witness was initially that four students were going to swim in Lubuk Tongga and did not know the weather conditions would be heavy rain and make the river water discharge high.

Meanwhile, the witness who survived the incident reported that his three friends were swept away, namely Aditya Nugraha (16).

"This witness immediately reported to local residents and reported to BPBD Padang," he said.

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