JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has again arrested 10 people in cases of spreading hatred and incitement related to demonstrations against the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Act. Those arrested were the creators and admins of social media groups.

Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Nana Sudjana said the ten suspects were divided into two groups. The first is the distribution group through the WhatsApp group and the second is through the Facebook group.

For the first group, six people were arrested. They have the initials FI, MM, and MA, AP, FS, and MAR.

"FI, MM, and MA. They are the creators and admin of the East Jakarta WhatsApp group regarding the Omnibus Law," said Inspector General Nana to reporters, Tuesday, October 27.

Police are developing investigations from the arrests of the three suspects. Then, AP and FS were arrested who acted as the creator and admin of the Omnibus Law demo group WhatsApp.

The police then again arrested the perpetrator with the initials MAR. According to the police, MAR disseminates provocative content to the WhatsApp STM group throughout Jabodetabek.

"From this WAG (Whatsapp Group) there are still 3 people with DPO status. (They are) creators and admins. We continue to pursue," said Nana.

Meanwhile, for the second group, four people were arrested. They are WH, MRAI, GAS, and JF who are the creators and admins of the STM Facebook group throughout Jabodetabek.

In the Facebook group, they spread the narrative inviting all group members to take to the streets. In addition, they also provoke group members to take anarchist action.

"This post contains incitement that calls for anarchist demonstrations. 'Come and defend our rights, against the law that doesn't make sense'," he said.

"The language is incitement, for example for combat equipment consisting of carrying firecrackers, Molotov, flashlights, lasers, used tires," he continued.

For their actions, they were charged with Article 28 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 45 of Law no. 19 of 2016 on amendments to Law No.11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE), Article 160 of the Criminal Code, Article 170 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 214 of the Criminal Code, Article 211 KUHP, Article 212 of the Criminal Code, Article 216 of the Criminal Code, Article 218 of the Criminal Code, Article 358 KUHP in conjunction with Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.

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