Komnas Perempuan Welcomes The Discourse Of Six Months Of Maternity Leave
Head of Komnas Perempuan Andy Yentriyani

JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan welcomes the discourse on implementing six months of maternity leave in the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill (RUU KIA) as an effort to fulfill maternity rights for working women. ," said Komnas Perempuan Chair Andy Yentriyani when contacted in Jakarta, Friday, June 17. However, her party requested that if the discourse was implemented, it must be ensured that it would not affect the career development of working women. in career development, for example, because he takes half a year off," he said. Andy added that the MCH Bill also stated that while on leave, workers must still be paid a salary. 70 percent," he said. He realized that there would be many challenges in implementing this rule One of them is that if the worker is pregnant several times, he will get a long-term leave and can be detrimental to the company where he works.

Therefore, his party asked the government to make efforts so that companies that employ female human resources are able to implement the regulation. by the government to ensure it is fulfilled," she said. Komnas Perempuan also asked that the discussion of this discourse be carried out by considering the possibility of various challenges in its implementation. anticipated in the bill, including the challenges of its implementation," he said.

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