JAKARTA - Even though many of us haven't been on vacation this year, we still hope to travel again soon, right?

Dreaming of flying for a week in the sun and enjoying the typical culinary delights of the local city or country is something that makes us forget the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, you may not be that interested in getting on a plane when you hear the secrets that these airline crew reveal.

A rather worrying post from a flight attendant was shared on Reddit. The post revealed that many planes were desperate to fly even though some of their bodies or engines were damaged.

The uploader claims they don't get proper aircraft maintenance every time they land. They even claim that in any flight an airplane is likely to have a number of damaged parts.

“Unless you're very lucky and your plane just came out of the hangar after major maintenance. Beyond that, there will definitely be something broken inside, "said the flight attendant under the account name ConstableBlimeyChips, quoted by the Daily Star, Tuesday, October 27.

"An aircraft can have all the damaged parts and still be allowed to fly, the damaged parts are simply labeled, recorded, and put on the list of lost duties for subsequent maintenance."

many planes are desperate to fly even though part of the aircraft's body or engine is damaged (Photo: Daily Star)

Airplanes are still the safest way to travel. For that, all damage suffered by the aircraft should be repaired before flying.

When this happens, it is often what causes the delay. However, if a problem with transportation is life threatening then it must be fixed.

The flight attendants know that this will scare the passengers. So, they will lie to keep passengers calm, according to a flight attendant named CheatingOutlaw account.

"When people ask the reason for the delay, we usually give nonsense responses because the real answer will scare passengers," he said.

"'We have a minor technical problem and the technician is on the way' when in reality: cabin pressure is not working."

Screenshot of story about plane wrecking on Reddit (Photo: Daily Star)

If this news makes you nervous, try not to worry. Flight attendants are trained to help you in an emergency. After all this story happened overseas.

Hopefully all aircraft in Indonesia are in good condition.

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