MEDAN - The man with the initials Y (50) was arrested by the Medan Area Police, Medan City. The man was arrested for threatening to kill Hendra Harianta (43) and his family with a klewang.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Medan Police Area AKP Philip Antonio Purba said the threats made by the perpetrators were triggered by eye contact between the two of them.

The incident occurred on the evening of Saturday 11 June. At first, the complainant was ordering tea at the cafe.

"Not long after, the reported person came out of the alley past the cafe and saw the complainant. Then the two of them looked at each other and then the reported person said to the complainant, 'Wow, your eyes'," said AKP Philip quoted Friday, June 17.

The victim who heard the perpetrator's words then replied by saying 'why it seems'. As a result, the two of them got into an argument and were separated by a witness named Amri.

"After that, the reported party left, but not long after, he came back to meet the complainant carrying a green kelewang. After meeting the complainant, the two of them quarreled again," he said.

"While having a verbal argument with the reporter, the perpetrator then directed the klewang he was holding at the reporter. While threatening the reporter by saying 'don't see you on Amalun Street again, I'll kill you and your family', "explained AKP Philip.

Worried about being threatened with death, the victim reported the incident to the Medan Area Police. The police who received the report immediately hunted the perpetrators.

"The suspect was arrested on Jalan Amalun, Gang Senggo. When interrogated, he admitted all his actions that threatened to kill the victim," said AKP Philip.

Furthermore, the suspect and the evidence were immediately brought to the Medan Area Police Headquarters for investigation.

"For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 335 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for more than 5 years," said AKP Philip.

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