JAKARTA - Gunfire between an armed criminal group (KKB) and a joint TNI-Polri team took place in Kampung Jalai, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Monday, October 26. The KKB members involved in the shootout were estimated at 50 people led by Sabinus Waker.

"The armed criminal group numbered 50 people carrying 17 firearms," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Mustofa Kamal, to VOI, Tuesday, October 27.

During the shootout, KKB took advantage of teenagers. These teenagers are used as the front troops to protect other members.

"Involving teenagers but being armed as the KKB's life shield strategy," said Kamal.

From this firefight, 2 members of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) collapsed when there was a gun battle with a joint TNI-Polri team. One of them was killed by a bullet.

"The suspect, Rubinus Tigau, suffered gunshot wounds and died at the scene of the crime, while the suspect Hermanus Tipagau is still alive and has now been secured," said Kamal.

Based on the investigation, said Kamal, the two KKB members were involved in the attack on the TGPF team which injured Bambang Purwoko and members of the TNI-AD.

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