JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Mokhammad Najih said his party appreciated the organizers who had implemented digitalization in the selection of candidates for state civil servants (CASN) in 2021. "We appreciate the organizers of the CASN selection, both from BKN and other agencies, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. , now using technology. I think this is also the impact of the pandemic, the use of technology is getting more advanced in our country. Among them, the CASN selection uses technological instruments and registration is done online," Najih said when giving a speech at the public update event entitled "Selection CASN 2021-2022: Evaluation and Improvement in the Future", at the Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday. inadequate, and constraints related to human resources (HR) in w "I believe that the organizing agency has done it in such a neat and well-planned manner, although in the context of this CASN selection, there are network constraints in the regions, facilities such as computers, or human resources," he said. hopes that the organizers can highlight the obstacles that exist in the 2021 CASN selection so that in the future the implementation of these activities can be better. On the same occasion, Najih said the Ombudsman also faced a number of obstacles in monitoring and receiving complaints from several CASN selection participants who already implemented this digitization. Among them, he said, was related to the limited human resources who mastered technology. "We have many shortcomings because there are not many resources that master the technology field regarding complaints in this selection," said Najih.

Furthermore, he conveyed, during the opening of the CASN selection complaint post in 2021, the Ombudsman received many complaints from participants, even reaching thousands. Even so, according to Najih, the Ombudsman as a public service supervisory agency only followed up on complaints containing elements of serious violations. "We consider not all complaints as reports that automatically fall under the authority of the Ombudsman. We verify to see how serious the complaints are. If these problems can be resolved by telephone communication, of course we will not count them as public complaints," he said. In the public update, a number of resource persons were present, namely RI Ombudsman member Robert Na Endi Jaweng and Deputy for Personnel Information Systems at the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Suharmen. Apparatus of the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Reform i Bureaucracy (Kemenpan RB) Aba Subagja and Secretary to the Director General (Sesdirjen) Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nunuk Suryani.

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