MAGELANG - PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko are waiting for the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) from the Borobudur Conservation Center (BKB) for tourists who will go up to the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

"Regarding the cancellation of the plan to apply for boarding tickets to Borobudur Temple, we are still waiting for the SOP from BKB, when it is ready it will be announced," said Deputy General Manager of the Borobudur & Manohara Unit, Pujo Suwarno, as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.

With the cancellation of the plan to apply for a ticket to ride the Borobudur Temple Rp. 750,000 for domestic tourists, the price for the entrance ticket to the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park remains as before.

So far, ticket prices for adult/general Indonesian tourists are IDR 50,000, children / student tickets for Indonesian tourists are IDR 25,000, adult / general foreign tourist tickets are 25 US dollars, and child/student foreign tourist tickets are 15 US dollars.

Pujo, who is also the Marketing & Sales Vice President of PT TWC, said that it was still scheduled to be discussed together between PT TWC and the Director General of Culture regarding the SOP.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic until now, the Borobudur Temple building is still closed to the general public and so far tourist visits have only reached the temple grounds.

"So that visitors can go up to the temple building it still takes time and the SOP is still being formulated. Later everything will be included in the SOP and the public must be patient," he said.

He said that when the SOP was completed, a trial would be conducted.

"If we prepare reservations for visitors online," he said.

Chairman of the Indonesian Borobudur Artists Community (KSBI) 15 Umar Chusaeni welcomed the cancellation of the planned cancellation of the Borobudur Temple boarding ticket for domestic tourists of IDR 750,000 per person.

"We strongly support the cancellation of the plan to apply tickets at such fantastic prices," he said.

He supports the restriction of visitors to go up to the Borobudur Temple building for the sake of the preservation of the temple.

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