JAKARTA - Indonesian Army (TNI) Commander General, Andika Perkasa, appreciates the Indonesian National Police for involving TNI soldiers in Operation Madago Raya in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, as well as Damai Cartenz Operation in Papua.
"The TNI was invited (by the National Police), such as the one in Damai Cartenz, and the one in Madago Raya as well. I feel lucky because this is an opportunity for them (TNI soldiers) to learn from the Police", said Andika, quoted from General TNI Andika Perkasa's YouTube channel, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.
Andika called the Police the leader in these operations. He hopes that the National Police can involve TNI soldiers in the initial process so that they can learn about the preparations, strategies, and actions taken by the police.
Regarding the involvement of TNI soldiers in the Madago Raya Operation, Commander Andika hopes that the soldiers can learn about the various processes of preventing and repressing terrorism.
"Invite them from the initial process, so they know", he added.
The involvement of TNI soldiers in various operations led by the National Police is a manifestation of the synergy between the TNI and National Police in creating a conducive security situation in various parts of Indonesia, especially Central Sulawesi and Papua.
The Commander hopes that through the cooperation between the TNI and National Police in Operation Madago Raya, the two agencies can create a safe situation in the Poso area, Central Sulawesi. Commander Andika also said that he received a lot of important information regarding the target of the operation and the background of terrorist acts that threaten the community.
According to Commander Andika, optimizing the cooperation between the TNI and National Police in overcoming terrorism is a must to create security for the community from the threat of acts of terrorism.
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