JAKARTA - The National Police confirmed that they did not violate procedures when they arrested Sugi Nur Rahardja alias Gus Nur. If there are parties who object, the National Police recommends taking the pretrial route.

"If you do not agree with the arrest, please be the suspect, his family or his attorney who can pre-trial the police," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, to reporters, Monday, October 26.

Awi explained that the pre-trial petition was regulated in Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). Pre-trial is also the right of the suspect.

Awi emphasized that the National Police was professional in handling Gus Nur's case. "So far the police have carried out their duties professionally," he said

Meanwhile regarding the plan to request Gus Nur's suspension of detention, Awi emphasized that the decision was in the hands of the investigators.

"Go ahead and propose that the prerogative of investigators will be approved or not," he said.

In this case, Gus Nur was reported by the Chairman of the Cirebon Branch of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Management Azis Hakim to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The report numbered LP / B / 0596 / X / 2020 / Bareskrim dated 21 October 2020.

The reporting was because Gus Nur was thought to be spreading information that caused hatred or enmity regarding Nahdlatul Ulama through a statement he uploaded on the MUNJIAT Channel's Youtube account on October 16, 2020.

In reporting, Gus Nur allegedly violated Article 27 paragraph (3) and Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number (UU) 19/2016 on Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).

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