JAKARTA - At least 17 children under five years old (toddlers) residents of Cempaka Putih Subdistrict, Central Jakarta, are malnourished. The head of the Cempaka Putih Sub-district Health Center, Murni L. Naibaho, said that his party found 17 toddlers in Cempaka Putih were malnourished with an average age of 0-59 months.

"Yes, there are 17 under-fives experiencing malnutrition, all of them are in RW 04 and 10 Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Barat," said Murni when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, June 15.

Murni said that his party had not been able to determine what factors caused the 17 toddlers to be malnourished. But usually toddlers who are naturally malnourished have many factors.

"Usually the parent's night pattern during pregnancy, the diet that parents serve to eat toddlers and some children experience certain illnesses," he said.

In order to prevent the condition of these toddlers from getting worse, there is a supplementary feeding program (PMT). Giving PMT is like a biscuit that can improve the health of toddlers.

"During the provision of PMT, we supervise the toddlers. Most of them are in the West Cempaka Putih area," he said.

The finding of stunting cases also occurred in children under five, residents of Sawah Besar District. The stunting cases were spread across three sub-districts in the region.

"Yes, there are stunting cases in the three urban villages. We will continue to record the numbers," said Head of the Sawah Besar District Health Center, Lusi Widiastuti, some time ago.

As previously known, the government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have prepared a budget of IDR 44.8 trillion to support stunting reduction in Indonesia.

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said the allocation consisted of spending spread across 17 ministries and institutions amounting to IDR 34.1 trillion and local governments through the Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) of IDR 8.9 trillion and Non-physical DAK of IDR 1.8 trillion. .

"We have disbursed Rp44.8 trillion of funds for stunting prevention. We hope that this large budget will provide extraordinary benefits," he said in a press statement quoted on Wednesday, June 15.

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