JAKARTA - A video circulating on social media contains a statement by the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab announcing that he will return to Indonesia in the near future.

In the video circulating, Rizieq said that he would return to Indonesia from Saudi Arabia with his family. This video was recorded by one of the people who had a meeting with Rizieq directly.

"God willing, if there are no obstacles in the near future, my family and I will return to our homeland. God willing, in the near future, my family and I will return to Indonesia, will return to our homeland, and will return to fight with the Muslims in our country. my beloved country, "said Rizieq, seen from a video broadcast on Monday, October 26.

Rizieq said that currently Indonesia is in a dire state. This condition, said Rizieq, requires concern from the community.

"Conditions that are very apprehensive certainly require concern, namely from every citizen, from every nation, including concern for the attention of habaib, ulama, figures, activists, how we can join hands, work hand in hand to save our country from adversity," he said. .

Separately, PA 212 spokesperson Habib Novel Bamukmin confirmed that Rizieq had announced plans to return to Indonesia. He also admits that the circulating video is the latest broadcast.

"The video that shows Habib Rizieq's statement that he will return to Indonesia is the latest video," said Novel.

Previously, the chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Ahmad Sobri Lubis, had the news of Rizieq's return plan.

During a demonstration on October 13, Ahmad Sobri Lubis said Rizieq Shihab would soon return to Indonesia. This news was greeted with joy by the action participants.

"Announcement from the Holy City of Makkah regarding the return of the High Priest alhabib Muhammad Rizieq Husein Shihab. Alhamdulillah, we have just received important information from the Holy City of Makkah regarding the plan to return High Imam Alhabib Rizieq Shihab," said Ahmad Sobri.

However, this was denied by the Indonesian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Agus Maftuh Abegebriel Agus Maftuh said, until October 14, Rizieq Shihab could not leave Saudi Arabia and return to Indonesia.

"The person concerned (Rizieq Shihab, red) has not been able to leave Saudi Arabia," said Agus in a short message to VOI, Wednesday, October 14.

Based on the results of communication between the Indonesian Embassy and the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, until now the name Mohammad Rizieq Shihab (MRS) in the immigration portal system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is still "blinking red".

"Red blinking" in the immigration system of Saudi Arabia, namely explaining that Rizieq Shihab's visa status has expired (ta'syirat mutanahiyah) or what is commonly called an overstayer.

"The name concerned is accompanied by the inscription ta'syirat mutanahiyah and in another column is written" mukhalif "which means violators of the law," said Agus.

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