JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has prepared a lesson plan (RPP) for SMP, SMA and SMK to discuss the problems of the nation. One of the issues discussed was the Job Creation Law.

This was conveyed by Anies in a coffee morning with the Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Nana Sujana, Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman, together with representatives of Heads of Schools throughout Jadetabek at Polda Metro Jaya.

"So, children are directed to be able to discuss and study together what we are talking about in the community. So, the situation being discussed can stimulate our children to care about the problems that exist in front of this nation," said Anies. at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 26.

Anies admitted that he did not only encourage teachers to discuss national problems with their students. In this RPP, the teachers have received guidelines for the implementation of the learning.

For example, the lesson plans compiled have guidelines for SMP having 4 meetings. This lesson plan also contains explanations related to the material, learning objectives, learning tools, learning resources, and methods of assessment.

"So if we only recommend it, then the teachers might be bothered because teachers need guidelines. So it's not just suggesting, for example, 'make the Job Creation Law a learning material.' how to translate it, "explained Anies.

In this lesson plan, there are differences in the number of meetings virtually at each level and adjusted to the situation in each school.

"The hope is that from an early age the children will have the opportunity to get used to discussing constructively the issues discussed by the general public," explained Anies.

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