JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir appointed Eko Sulistyo to become PLN's commissioner. In question, it is known that he was a successful team of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during the 2014 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

In the letter of appointment of the PLN board of commissioners dated October 16, 2020, quoted by VOI Monday October 26, PLN sent the letter to the Head of the Company Assessment Division 2 PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI).

"In connection with the Decree of the Minister for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) as the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT PLN (Persero) Number: SK-330 / MBU / 10/2020 dated 9 October 2020 concerning the Appointment of Members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company Company (Persero) ) PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, it is hereby conveyed that the General Meeting of Shareholders appointed Mr. Eko Sulistyo as Commissioner, "said the letter.

With Eko's appointment, the number of PLN Commissioners will be 11 people, the same as the number of directors. In fact, on 23 September 2020, Erick appointed two PLN Commissioners, namely the Head of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency or BPKP, Muhammad Yusuf Ateh and the Deputy for the Coordination of the Digital Economy, Manpower and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin.

Eko Sulistyo, before serving as Commissioner of PLN, served as Deputy IV for the Political Communication Division of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) for the 2014-2019 period. He also served as Chairman of the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) Solo City 2003-2008.

The following is a complete list of PLN commissioners:

1. President Commissioner / Independent Commissioner: Amien Sunaryadi

2. Vice President Commissioner: Suahasil Nazara

3. Independent Commissioner: Deden Juhara

4. Independent Commissioner: Murtaqi Syamsuddin

5. Commissioner: Ilya Avianti

6. Commissioner: Rida Mulyana

7. Commissioner: Mohamad Ikhsan

8. Commissioner: Dudy Purwagandhi

9. Commissioner: Muhammad Yusuf Ateh

10. Commissioner: Mohammad Rudy Salahudin

11. Commissioner: Eko Sulistyo

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