JAKARTA - The famous lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, submitted a request for postponement of the debt payment obligation (PKPU) to Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. This application was submitted to the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court.

The application for postponement of debt payment obligation (PKPU) filed by Otto Hasibuan was registered on September 25, 2020. With case number 310 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2020 / PN Niaga JKt.Pst with the attorney of the applicant Benny Henrico Pasaribu.

In a document seen by VOI on Sunday, October 25, this petition was related to US $ 2.5 million. Joko Tjandra responded to the PKPU request regarding the legal fee.

The US $ 2.5 million bill arose from the legal relationship between the PKPU applicant, namely Otto Hasibuan, and the defendant, Joko Tjandra, namely the client's relationship with lawyers.

DOCK. Special

The starting point happened on July 31, when Joko was arrested by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Joko Tjandra's men asked the famous lawyer Otto Hasibuan to provide legal assistance.

Otto Hasibuan, who accompanied the suspect at the KPK, came to the National Police Headquarters until finally he was given power on August 1 by Joko Tjandra to handle Joko Tjandra's case at the Police.

"Whereas in the confirmation of the fee it was agreed that the legal fee was US $ 2.5 million. It was also agreed that the legal fee would be paid by the PKPU Respondent (Joko Tjandra) within two days after the confirmation of the fee was signed," stated the statement of attorney Otto Hasibuan from the ARP & Co office in the document seen by VOI.

After signing the document, Otto Hasibuan carried out his duties as a lawyer by providing legal advice to Joko Tjamdra.

"That because the PKPU Petitioner had fulfilled its obligations as a legal attorney, then on August 18, 2020, the PKPU Petitioner submitted a legal fee / invoice of 2.5 million US Dollars to the Respondent," said Otto in his petition.

The problem is, after Otto Hasibuan gave the legal fee bill, Joko Tjandra did not pay it until August 24. Otto Hasibuan lantaws gives no later than 7 days after the warning letter is given.

But who knows what happened on August 25, 2020, Otto actually received a letter of revocation of power dated August 15, 2020, according to Otto, the letter itself was sent on August 24, 2020.

In the revocation letter, Joko never stated that there was any complaint or dissatisfaction as a reason for his revocation of power in handling cases or legal problems he faced. Then after seven days of warning Joko still did not carry out his obligations, therefore a warning letter was sent a second time and gave a grace period of three days but the obligation was still not carried out.

"Whereas then the PKPU Respondent sent a letter to the PKPU Petitioner on August 31, 2020, the letter was only received by the Petitioner on September 3, 2020. The contents of the letter basically stated that the PKPU Respondent was willing to pay a bill of only Rp. 5 billion," wrote the petition.

This statement according to Otto proved that Joko had a debt of 2.5 million US dollars but was only willing to pay Rp 5 billion. Otto Hasibuan then asked for 900 thousand US dollars. But there was no response.

"Whereas the actions of the PKPU Respondent who did not carry out their obligations even though they were due proved that the PKPU Respondent was no longer able to continue payment of his debts even though they were due and could be collected," said the petition seen.

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