JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, felt that the proof of God's miracles was real when the body of his son, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz, was finally found intact after a 14-day search.

It is known, Eril's body was finally found on Wednesday, June 8 at around 06.50 am Swiss time. Eril's body was found by a woman who is a teacher at the Engehalde Water Dam, Bern.

From Eril's condition, Ridwan Kamil felt the real love of God. He made this statement after Eril's funeral at the family cemetery in Cimaung, Bandung, West Java this afternoon.

"How could we not be showered with grace and grace when this corpse lying in the water for days is still intact and perfect," said Ridwan Kamil at the burial site, Monday, June 13.

"That's one of our beliefs, proof of a miracle that, thank God, we were finally given the opportunity to see the sign of God's power, the blessing giver, a lesson for us who believe and are good at reading signs," he continued.

For Ridwan Kamil, the 14-day search for Eril was very long and tiring. He admitted that he had asked the Almighty about the disaster that befell Eril.

"These 14 days have become so long in our lives. We wonder why it has to be this long, O Allah. Why not sooner so that everything passes quickly, so that we who live not too long feel blue. However, time is an impossible secret of God (difficult) to solve, especially regarding birth and death," said Ridwan Kamil.

After Eril was found and brought back to the country, Ridwan Kamil realized that Eril's figure during his life was very full of benefits. 23 years Eril has lived in this world, he realized that Eril has not been able to produce great works.

However, from the disappearance of Eril to being found dead, Ridwan Kamil and his family felt sincere because they received so much empathy and prayers from various parties.

"The launch of prayers offered from various parts of the country is an abundance of signs that are more than enough for us to believe, maybe God really wants his return to be welcomed by heaven and earth," he said.

As is known, Eril's body arrived at the burial site at around 10.55 WIB. Under the bright sun, the people who had been waiting for the arrival of the deceased recited the recitation of remembrance of the sentence of monotheism.

At this location, people flocked to the cemetery to see Eril's body for the last time. Wrapped in a cloth, the coffin was lifted to the grave.

The funeral procession began with the chanting of the call to prayer to Eril's body. Ridwan Kamil, who was sitting right in front of the corpse, occasionally held the hands of his wife, Atalia Praratya, and his mother, Tjutju Sukaesih to strengthen themselves while looking at Eril's coffin.

Eril's body was lowered into the grave. Ridwan Kamil got up from his chair to join the symbolic burial, which was then continued by the officers.

After being buried, Ridwan Kamil and Atalia started to sow flowers on the ground where Eril's final resting place was and was continued by the family. Then, a collective prayer was said for Eril.

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