MAMUJU - Deputy Regent of Majene, West Sulawesi, Arismunandar appealed to residents who are still displaced after the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked the area, to return home or return to their homes.

"By looking at the BMKG analysis and instructions from BNPB that the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred on Wednesday (8/6), was the peak of the earthquake and after that there was only a small earthquake," said Arismunandar, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 11.

The Deputy Regent also instructed the sub-district office and BPBD to immediately collect data on the houses of residents who were damaged.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD, Majene Ilhamsyah, said that he had received ready-to-use funds from BNPB of Rp. 250 million.

BPBD Majene, he said, had issued an emergency response decree as the basis for the Province of West Sulawesi in distributing aid.

He also conveyed that logistical assistance from BNPB in the form of rice, mineral water, instant noodles as much as two trucks was immediately distributed to the refugees.

After the 5.8 magnitude earthquake, he added, at night there were more than 7,000 residents in Majene Regency who fled.

"This is the result of reports that are summarized from every village head from Maliaya to Tammero'do District," said Ilhamsyah.

However, BPBD Majene added, it continues to accurately record the number of refugees to date.

Based on data from the Health Office of the Province of West Sulawesi, the number of refugees after an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 in Majene Regency was 7,500 people.

As many as 500 people took refuge in Bukit Tinggi Vocational High School, Lamongan Batu Village and as many as 7,000 people took refuge at several points including Malunda Village, Maliaya Village, Mekkatta, Lombong and Tubo District.

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